
The Return of Argosy

The Return of Argosy
The Return of Argosy,
originally uploaded by rrhood78.
This is the scarf that I have been knitting. I am knitting it with Prism's Rio in 100% Rayon on number 6 needles. It has a tendancy to stick and slip at the most in opertune times, but that is rayon. I don't have any bright ideas that might change that. On the other hand I was out of wax paper and needed a good waxing on my needles. I used natural bees wax birthday candles. It worked like a dream. I am keeping some in my knitting notions case from now on. You should try it in a pinch it works. I love this pattern it is fun and entertaining to work and just moves along at a quick pace. I feel that it looks like a much more complicated scarf and pattern than it really is. I also should mention that this is my first attempt at lace. I haven't ever challenged myself with my knitting, and I wish I had tried years ago. I would be in a whole new knitting place by now. I am branching out and loving it. Also, the Argosy KAL is so much fun. Everyone is really supportive and the designer is on hand to answer questions from time to time. I found this pattern on a latter knitty issue online. Give it a try, you will thank me!

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