
New Plying Technique

New Plying Technique
New Plying Technique,
originally uploaded by Fiber Maiden.
So, I just wanted to let everyone know that I just invented a new hand plying technique. It is really easy and with results like this who wouldn't want to do it. I know you are just itching to find out how you can impliment it on your handspun fibers. You simple wrap the single ply around your hand slowly tightening it as you go, so that once you have got about 3/4ths of the single on your hand that it is turning blue. If you hand isn't blue you aren't doing it right. Thats just an insiders tip I like to pass along to you my dear readers. You'll thank me later I promise. Then after you hand is mostly blue you start to panic and this is the key. Without the panic you are just doing that boring old ply that you are used to. In you panic state you freak out and start ripping the yarn of of your hand. If you have done the first step right the yarn should be so tight at this point that there is no possible way to get it off without cutting it. So, with your one good hand freak out and run around the house looking for scissors. If you really want to get into it. You could start screaming or as someone who knows nothing about fiber or yarn to help you get it off. The look on their face will be priceless. After you find the scissors and have properly freaked out. Cut slits in various parts of the " yarn cuff" as I like to call it. Trying to spare as much as you can for the finally. After you have it all off wad it up in a ball, and cry. Tears or no tears it really doesn't matter. It will not change the end result. Then take pictures of it and send them to me so I can see your handy work. Who ever has the biggest pile of USELESS crap wins. Bonus points for most expensive fiber used. I am putting mine in a place of honor in my house so that I never try another plying method again. Learning new things is for suckers!


Alpaca Granny said...

This is just too funny. You gave me my morning chuckle.

Fiber Maiden said...

I am glad that my pain can bring joy to everyone else. LOL!